4 Beers
4 Laps
2 champions
Running a Beermile is tough. Luckily the rules are simple: Run 1 mile - 1609 meters - on a track, as fast as possible. At the start of every lap, you'll have 9 meters of drinking zone where you'll have to down a beer (330ml) before you can run the next lap.
Throwing up = run an extra lap (without beer)

Beermile Pictures
With belgian beers, we'll be crowning a King and Queen of the beermile! Let's. put our namees on the official www.beermile.com ranking!
Powered by Tout Bien
Not drinking is never a synonym with not participating!
For the first time ever, we have a non-alcoholic Beermile, powered by the delicious and protein-rich IPA of
If you don't wish to participate, don't hesitate to come and cheer for those who do! Every year there's an epic atmosphere and food & drinks are available on site for optimal cheering-conditions! After the price ceremony, join us at our legendary afterparty ! Season's finished anyhow... time to shake it off!